
Breaking In is an American television series which premiered on Fox on April 6, 2011. The series aired at 9:30 pm as a midseason replacement following American Idol. The half-hour workplace comedy stars Christian Slater, Michael Rosenbaum, Odette Annable, Trevor Moore, Alphonso McAuley and Bret Harrison. Initially, Fox announced the show was cancelled on May 10, 2011. However, three months later, on August 24, 2011 TV Guide reported that Fox had picked it up for a second season of 13 episodes, scheduled to air as a mid-season replacement. Coming back from a second cancellation, Breaking In joins Family Guy as the only shows ever to do it twice. Premise An eclectic team of geniuses and "legitimate" thieves who work at a high tech security firm are assigned to break into various high tech security systems by their owners in an attempt to find any flaws in said systems.



Assistir Episódios:

Assistir Breaking In 1º Temporada Online ( Legendado ) MixVideo
Episódio 01 - Pilot MixVideo
Episódio 02 - Tis Better to Have Loved and Flossed MixVideo
Episódio 03 - Need for Speed MixVideo
Episódio 04 - White on White on White MixVideo
Episódio 05 - Take the Movie and Run MixVideo
Episódio 06 - Breaking Out MixVideo
Episódio 07 - 21.0 Jump Street [ Series Finale ] MixVideo
Diego Faire

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